Monday 11 December 2006

Fernando and the Everlasting Folk Noises

Well, I'm glad to report that underground avant-rock Spanish DJ hero Fernando Perez Herrero bit the bullet and played one of our terrifying little skits like on Spanish radio, along with a spanking new LED! track. You can hear it HERE! (its about 40 minutes into the show) or go and have a look at the tracklistings and stuff HERE. I think you should listen to the show anyway, considering it pisses from a great height all over many, many other so-called "alternative" radio shows. Take note, Tony Blackburn.

I also played & recorded some guitar for the very talented Beck Goldsmith recently.... mainly putting some wobbly guitar chords and shrill feedback via a Violin bow on her new (as yet untitled) EP, which, needless to say, is absolutely great. Quite dark and brooding, yet still keeping that folk edge.

Go and listen to her here, heathens!

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