Thursday 19 April 2007

How we all love the moral ambiguity of The Apprentice, and other stories

With the blood of Charlie Brooker coursing through my veins, today I am intent on turning into Mr Pop Culture Basher. My target: BBC One's The Apprentice, in particular last night's episode that in some ways was the most revealing show to date. Let me expand....

For those of you foolish not to watch, The Apprentice is the BBC's take on the American vehicle, which saw Donald Trump essentially taking the chance to star in a reality show and show of his millions and millions and probably billions and billions of dollars (cue lots of shots of him looking smug in terribly decorated yet extorionately expensive Trump Tower interiors). Our protagonist guides 16 or so "candidates" through a hugely ridiculous interview, each episode seeing the hapless and deluded contenstants embarking on some fiendish "task" in teams, usual revolving around who can sell the most pizza / coffee / crappy kids toys, and essentially making utter fools of themselves in order to seem the most ruthless and "efficient", thus winning the chance to become Trumps Apprentice and spend a year in a high class job selling worthless tat to toothless simpletons (ie the general public). At the end of each episode sees one blubbering contestant, the one who has f***ed up the most, on the recieving end of every TV directors aural wet dream, the show's big catchphrase, "You're Fired!" (plus a big pointy finger from Trump). Adam Curtis this is not.

In the UK, we see Alan Sugar take the baton, the Loveable Cockney Nutjob with a thirst for redundant computer systems (just what the f*** has Amstrad actually done for the past 20 years?) and mid-1990's football team chairmanism. He clearly has lots of money, as the program's intro helpful informs us, in which the squeezy-faced Sugar enjoys lounging on a huge yacht, private plane, sipping the blood of virgins in his golden-turretted castle, and so on and so on.

The current BBC series is the show's third, so us avid viewers are rather well adjusted to the shows speedy editing (which, as every reality show will testify, cleverly makes things seem funnier / angrier than in reality) and Alan Sugarism's (choice quote: "you seem to have gone from anchor to wanker"). And it IS a great show - Whilst it's inadvertently the best comedy show on TV (although it seems clear this yearthat the BBC have come to realise this, hence the increase in "reality show" style editing in order to), it also contains a great many lessons for us to learn about the nature of business and those that partake in it - namely, they are all money-suckly, pride-destroying, pathetic empty baffoons.

Nothing new, I hear you say, but things took a somewhat disappointing turn in last nights episode. To summarise, the contestants had to make and sell some crappy sweets, loaded with sugar and ill intent, to kids in a zoo, and as ever one team lost, the other won. Getting the pointy Sugar finger this week was Quantum Physicist Sophie Kain, essentially a very likeable, self-proclaimed "girl geek", with a bizarre lack of neck. She had protested that she felt demened by flogging these hideous sweets to kids at a ludicrious price, which, as most would agree, is an fair point - especially considering the reckless abandon of the other contestants, pride shitting out of theirs ears as they get on all fours and beg and hound people until they give up their hard earned money just to get these terrifying proto-individuals off their backs.

Of course, Sugar loves this, a complete disregard for morals, hence Sophie in the firing line. What bugged me was the way the show was nodding along with him, "yes, indeed there is no space for morals in this CUT THROAT BUSINESS WORLD, WHERE MONEY IS KING!". Sugar proceeded to call Kain "naive" due to her protests, again another brick bashed off the wall of human dignity.

Also, let me say this again - Sophie Kain is a Quantum Physicist. What on Bob Marley's name was she doing on this show? Logically, if Sugar wanted 16 of the best young business minds and bodies, he would have objected to the BBC accepting her into the final 16. This is TV thought, whereby ludicrious situations are passed off as utterly normal and dignity and beliefs are laughed at and wrung like a damp cloth. She was clearly a fall girl - they needed someone to tick the box of "different to other contestants in the fact shes brainy, moral and generally quite likeable, but ultimately will be kicked off by week 4 as shes not a twat enough". Sophie's tell-tale scene appeared in week 3, which saw the girls team discuss resorting to prostitution in order to turn water into wine (or, £200 into more than £200)- amazingly, they were all completely oblivious to this. Our "brainy" doctor made a polite comment that it was rather obscene, and had to defend herself by claiming she was a "feminist" (ie not a tarty moose that would suck Sugar dry at the drop of a £2 coin), to our other female contestants UTTER disguist: "feminist??!"

And so, another victory for the status-quo, and those vapid, empty-headed, business buffoons. But of course, its all great entertainment.

Sunday 14 January 2007

Musical Endevours pt 96

First gig of the new year at the Rescue Rooms in Nottingham, a homecoming of sorts, and what a show it was. I suppose I was pretty nervous to begin with as its the first show I've had the pleasure of setting up, but as the Indie Minions began rolling through the doors (despite the rather miserable / unnecessarly aggro bouncer), I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was ace to play with some old friends in the shape of Lo-Ego, Quartershade and We Show Up On Radar, and rattling through a noisy headline set (complete with shambolic encore of "TV", music fans) had never been so much fun. We also made rather a decent amount from the door. Artistic AND monetary gratification, amazing eh? Picture courtesy of my lovely sister. Jeez, how much of an indie fopp do I look like?

Of course, it wasn't all great - rather stupidly I managed to stand on my own glasses midset! "What a fool!" I hear you guffaw. I blame my sweaty hair. I guess it added a further element of excitment, not being able to see what I was doing. Kind of like being in a fluffy dream, but, er, louder. Heres a shot of my currently taped up glasses (fear not though, I have insurance). As you can probably tell I have the shittest camera phone in the history of everything.

Thursday 11 January 2007

Melancholic Euphoria! In the shape of a Robot

Well, I'll do the Blogger-courtesy thing and explain why I haven't posted recently - I haven't be arsed. Not that I haven't been beavering away at some new tunes... Infact, I've been pretty productive of late, churning out some (actually slightly mediocre) band demos and a couple of Moscow Youth Cult ditties, with the aid of Cool Edit Pro, a cumbersome Casio stuck through a load of guitar pedals and... well, my trusty Jap Tele.

The best of the bunch is here, entitled "Utopia!" for reasons that will become clear on listening

Moscow Youth Cult - Utopia!

It comes complete with a sample of a rather melancholy Robot spouting some existential jargon, of which I sampled (without asking! ooh er) from this cartoon by bunch of American crazy cats, who call themselves Weaknights:

"Sad Robot"

Fear not though, dear listener/reader/whatever, I have informed these people of my thievery, and I'm sure it'll all be fine. Its not exactly going to sell millions now is it?

Monday 11 December 2006

Fernando and the Everlasting Folk Noises

Well, I'm glad to report that underground avant-rock Spanish DJ hero Fernando Perez Herrero bit the bullet and played one of our terrifying little skits like on Spanish radio, along with a spanking new LED! track. You can hear it HERE! (its about 40 minutes into the show) or go and have a look at the tracklistings and stuff HERE. I think you should listen to the show anyway, considering it pisses from a great height all over many, many other so-called "alternative" radio shows. Take note, Tony Blackburn.

I also played & recorded some guitar for the very talented Beck Goldsmith recently.... mainly putting some wobbly guitar chords and shrill feedback via a Violin bow on her new (as yet untitled) EP, which, needless to say, is absolutely great. Quite dark and brooding, yet still keeping that folk edge.

Go and listen to her here, heathens!

Tuesday 5 December 2006

Radio Disaster!

Myself and two compadres (who shall remain unamed for legal reasons) burnt the candle (not particularly) late last eve, in order to fulfill the task of recording some "Salutations" for a Spanish radio show that plays underground UK indie. Robot voices, ambient-jazz basslines and Spanish accents were employed in what could be a complete Disaster! I only hope our radio hero Fernando doesn't take offence to our sins and shirky sense of humour and stop playing our songs. Here they are in full:

Salutation One: Space Jam

Salutation Two: Lounge Act

Monday 4 December 2006

Everybodys talking bout the stormy weather...

Sonic Youth - Teenage Riot

The first time I heard this, it made me think of music, what with all the notes and things coming out of my little CD machine. I think that there are some guitars, and possibly a drum. Theres a lady saying something at the start, at which point I told my little brother Terry to cover his ears, as ladies are rude, and I didn't want to get embarrassed infront of little Terry. Anyway, the music continued and seemed to get louder (although I found out afterwards I had moved the volume knob up from 6 to an eight), and these horrible HORRIBLE guitar player start making all kinds of horrible HORRIBLE sounds. At least I think its a guitar, but they were definitely not playing my favourite chords G and C, chords that my daddy told me were Gods work and happiness. No, these noises were horridly brash and detuned - I mean, can you believe it, they're playing OUT OF TUNE guitars! Did their manager or their daddys not tell them to take them to a tuning man to tune them before they pressed the Make a CD button? At this point, me and Terry were laughing at their obvious stupidity, but also crying because I started to tell Terry that this was the devils work. Anyway, the song continued, and things got even worse. Not only was there not a big chorus (which should have gone to the C and G chords), with lyrics about our great lord, like the songs my brilliant dad writes (they are brilliant songs! God is brilliant, and he loves us all. But I don't think he loves Sonic Youth anymore, especially after they had made this rubbish devil music!), but the song doesn't even have 3 verses inbetween. I mean, maybe they couldn't afford really nice instruments, but they really can't play them, theres not even an uplifting guitar solo, like Boston's More Than A Feeling. Towards the end, Terry ADHD had started up again, and he was biting my ankle so I had to drip feed him some more Sunny Delight, so I missed the end of the song.

Overall, I wouldn't go and see this Sonic Youth band, as they show promise but don't have enough choruses or excellent chords, like C and G. Or even an Aminor. Thats quite complicated, I shall get daddy to teach you next week.


Listen to it here: